5 skills you need to learn that your future will thank you for

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1.Public speaking

Public speaking never ends in life. We encounter it in many important milestones such graduations, weddings, and also in our personal endeavors such as pitching a presentation at work and at family gatherings.

Imagine yourself standing in front of an audience and giving the best speech because you have prepared for it your whole life. Don’t we always admire good public speakers?

What to do.

If you are not a good public speaker, or maybe you are but you want to get better at it, this is what you need to do;

  • Participate or watch Ted talks. See how the speakers engage with their audience, use gestures and tonal variation for effective communication. Get as much as you can.
  • Enroll in a public speaking course.
  •  Have a personal coach of mentor to train you.
  1. Personal finances

Studies show that women are twice likely to retire poor compared to men. The reason behind this is that most women simply don’t know what to do with their money. We don’t know how to invest, how to save and most importantly we are scared by the thought it. If you want to live a financially independent life, step up and get some financial education.

What to do

  • Have a financial adviser, the bank has experts who can advice you on investing, shareholding, interests etc.
  • If that scares you, ask a lot of questions on savings in relation to retirement.
  • Educate yourself of money issues. There online courses catered to that a good example being Alison which has courses such as financial and economic literacy.
  • Start saving as early as possible.
  • Be accountable. Check your credit card statement, stop buying unimportant things, and

stop counting shopping as cardio.

3.C.V Writing

If you’ve been living life enjoying everything being done for you, please know that the outside world is very harsh especially when job hunting. Writing a resume can come in hand when job searching, whether it’s your first time or whether you are switching jobs.

What to do.

  • Learn C.V writing and also how to write a business plan
  • Make your own resume and keep updating it.
  1. Negotiating.

Most of us think that negotiation apply only when buying something. Wrong! We negotiate from sunrise to sunset, at our work place, with our friend, families, partners and so on. The most important reason why I included this skill is because at work, we need to deal with salaries and job promotions and having good negotiation skills can help us seek an increase and get that promotion we are eyeing.

What to do.

  • A mentor will be important in assessing your negotiation skills.
  • Study it. Coursera has courses on good negotiation skills.
  • Keep applying it on our daily lives with some awareness.
  1. Networking

Networking is one thing you need to get ahead in life. When seeking internships, expanding your business, seeking a job, or just adding people with different skills to your circle – networking comes in handy.

What to do.

  • Attend networking events
  • Switch off you phone and talk to that stranger seated next to you.
  • Make you own personalized business card.
  • Follow up with contacts you’ve already made.


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